Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Advice From Sensei— Happy But Never Satisfied

“Be Happy...But Never Satisfied!”

Happiness. It seems like a pretty easy thing to define, but it might surprise you to know that philosophers, psychologists, and scientists have been trying for years to figure out what, exactly, defines being happy. Of course, we all know happy when we find it. Spending time with someone you love makes you happy. Winning the big game makes you happy. Being happy is a great feeling and we all, of course, want to be happy in our lives. As Buddhist teacher Thich Nhat Hanh famously said, “happiness is available. Please help yourself to it.”

As important as happiness is, it is very important to never be satisfied. Often, people confuse happiness with satisfaction. It is great to be happy, but happiness should never lead to complacency. Just because you’re happy with things as they are, don’t ever be satisfied, Don’t stop working towards a goal because you are happy. Keep going until you reach that goal. By doing so, you create a virtuous cycle in your life of striving for excellence and realizing happiness.

Let’s think about this from a student’s perspective. Let’s say you wish to improve your grades in math. Maybe you get a tutor and study extra and you finally get your first B on an exam. You should definitely be happy! But, once the initial joy has passed, recognize the next step. Aim for an A on the next exam.

Or maybe you are trying to lose weight. Let’s say your goal is to lose 15 pounds. Celebrate each and every pound lost. Celebrate after every workout you’ve struggled through and completed. You have earned the right to be happy with your progress. Be happy with what you’ve achieved with each pound lost and workout completed, but always focus on what you have left to do to reach your goal.

When working to achieve a goal, it’s always important to recognize and celebrate the quick wins. Every step forward should bring you happiness, but always recognize you’re not done yet. Usually when we are satisfied with something we feel like we are finished with it and that should never be the case with our Martial Arts training.