Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Advice from Sensei— Black Belt Excellence

“What’s Our Goal...Black Belt Excellence!”

From the first day students put on their White Belt, through Blue and Brown belt, and long after the first time they tie a Black Belt, they must always keep in mind their goal to reach Black Belt Excellence.

Black Belt Excellence is a description of every student’s character as a Martial Artist at Tristar Martial Arts. All students, regardless of whether they have a Black Belt tied around their waist or not, personify Black Belt Excellence in their daily life, inside and outside of the Dojo. Having Black Belt Excellence means simply this: strive to be your best in any and all situations.

When you are in the Dojo, you can exemplify Black Belt Excellence by always training your hardest. Black Belt Excellence means working to have stronger punches than you did yesterday, kicking higher than you did last week, breaking your pushup record, or running faster than you ever have before. Of course, Black Belt Excellence isn’t limited to just physical activity in the Dojo. Students can practice Black Belt Excellence by always arriving on time to class, paying full attention in class, and showing courtesy and respect throughout each lesson.

Those who truly practice Black Belt Excellence carry it outside of the Dojo as well. If you play in Little League, Black Belt Excellence could be going to the batting cages once a week to improve your swing. In school, you pay attention during class, participate, and answer questions as you strive to be the best in your class. At work, maybe you take on an extra project to show your boss your full potential.

“We are motivated, we are dedicated, and we are on a quest...To be our best, Sir!”

Even if you are not the best at something, you must always strive to be your personal best. Maybe you’ll never come in first place in a 5K, but completing a 5K at your personal best time is a great achievement. You may not be as strong as the higher ranks in class, but if you keep working you’ll become stronger than you’ve ever been. You will achieve your personal best. You will truly display Black Belt Excellence.