Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Advice from Sensei— Courtesy

Courtesy is a core principle and value of the martial arts and sets it apart from other sports, activities, or hobbies. Students are taught from their first class, and through the rest of their training, that Martial Arts begins and ends with courtesy and respect.

Being Courteous and Respectful to others makes a positive impression on them and is the only way to maintain a great relationship with anyone. In our classes, we demonstrate our courtesy and appreciation every time we bow to one another. We also show courtesy and respect when we give a positive response to our instructors.

In martial arts, we show the utmost respect to those who are teaching us the craft. We also teach all students to show courtesy to the lower ranking students. We do this because without lower-ranking students, the higher ranked ones would have no one to teach. A Blackbelt must always be mindful of the fact that she or he started out with no belt.

While it might seem obvious that respect should be mutual, we don’t often see examples of respect and courtesy in other sports. As a Martial Artist, it’s important to extend your courtesy and respect to everyone in the Dojo—from the highest ranked teacher to the no-belt beginner. By doing so, you give the lower ranked students someone to look up to, and your teachers can see your progress as a Martial Artist.

Courtesy and respect do not end when you walk out of the Tristar’s doors. In fact, it never ends. Outside of the Dojo we show our courtesy to others by saying “Please,” “Thank you,” and “Excuse me.” Students also show respect by looking someone in the eyes during a conversation. Our students show respect to their teachers, parents, and elders just as they do their instructors in class. They also show respect to friends, classmates, coworkers, and siblings the way they do fellow Martial Artists.

Courtesy, as the saying goes, is contagious. In a world too often short on courtesy, it’s important that we strive to set the example. Imagine the influence we can make in our community if we all practice being extra courteous!

Let’s strive to make it a habit each and everyday. This week, try to do one new thing each day that you normally wouldn’t to show courtesy within the community. Maybe next week you’ll try two new things. The more courtesy you show throughout life, the more courtesy you will receive.