Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Advice from Sensei - Phrase of the week-Discipline

“Discipline is a Bridge…between goals and accomplishments!”

We teach discipline in our Dojo every day in every class. Discipline to practice your technique. Discipline to do your push ups. Discipline to focus in class. Discipline is very important in martial arts training and, as with any other lesson we teach in our Dojo, we encourage our students to be disciplined outside of the Dojo as well.

For example, say your goal is to get better grades in school. The same discipline you apply to your martial arts practice must carry throughout your day in order to keep you focused while you are in school and in class. It may be tempting to pass notes with friends, doodle in a notebook, daydream the class away, or play a game on a smart phone, but the truly disciplined student will pay attention during all of their classes throughout the day to reach the ultimate goal of improving their grades.

When you are disciplined in your daily life, you won’t veg out in front of the T.V., waste time with friends, or play video games. You’ll use this time to do homework and study, because you know that is how you will improve your grades. Without Discipline, it would be too easy to flick on the TV and forget about that homework or test.

For our adult students, maybe keeping a budget is something you struggle with. It’s hard. It takes effort. It’s not fun! But you recognize the need to create a budget and stick to it, and you apply the same discipline to a budget that you do to working out in the Dojo.

Another way to apply self discipline outside the Dojo is to understand what is expected of you, and to do it. Taking responsibility is a way of demonstrating your self discipline. Instead of having someone tell you what to do, you can anticipate what needs to be done and do it before you are told. Perhaps your parents are nagging you to clean your room. If you are able to become more self-disciplined, you will clean your room before they even get the chance to ask. Or maybe your spouse has been asking you for months to get the car’s headlight fixed. Next time, perhaps you will have the self-discipline to get it taken care of right away. Self Discipline means doing things before you are asked.

Ultimately, Self Discipline is doing what you must, when you must, whether you want to or not. More often than not, the tasks you need discipline to complete are your least favorite things. A truly self-disciplined martial artist will recognize that the unpleasant, the routine must be completed in order to advance and reach goals large and small. If you want to truly advance in the Martial Arts and in life, you will willingly embrace the difficult and mundane, because that is what self-discipline is.