Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Advice from Sensei— Integrity

There’s an old saying that “integrity is what you do when no one is watching.” When you think about it, that definition makes a lot of sense. After all, having integrity comes from within, from a source of deep conviction that doing right is more important than being seen doing right.

Integrity, which is rooted in the Latin word integer, meaning “intact,” is very important, especially for a Martial Artist. Integrity can be understood as a person with his or her morals intact, or a nation with its territory undisrupted and whole. Both meanings are helpful when we think about the importance of integrity in our lives as Martial Artists.

Simply put, integrity means you do what you say you’ll do, and what you say and do are deeply rooted in strong personal values. Integrity really means being in harmony with your core values.

Confucius said, “The strength of a nation derives from the integrity of the home.”

When you think about it, the sage was indeed very wise in offering those words; only people of strong integrity can sustain a strong nation. Rousseau’s “social contract” relies entirely on the integrity of each individual citizen. What would happen to society if everyone lacked integrity?

Integrity is a powerful and important ingredient in becoming a leader—in and out of the dojo. As Martial Artists, we are in a unique position to cultivate our own integrity and, by doing so, to improve our home, our community, and our nation.

When you take the lessons you learn on the mats to your home and community, you establish yourself as a leader. And, because you operate in harmony with your core values, having integrity earns you the respect and trust of others. If you live your life with integrity, you may well find yourself leading your team, your class, your community—even your country. Integrity is where leadership starts!

As leaders and dedicated students of the martial arts, we must constantly remind ourselves to go beyond physical training and to also practice the mental and character developing aspects of the Martial Arts. A Black Belt is a symbol recognized worldwide that represents a high level of excellence, not just in physical skill, but also in attitude, behavior and character.  Sustaining the excellence of a Black Belt is one thing: Integrity.

This week, lead with integrity. Strive to be in harmony with your moral compass, and make sure everything you think, say, and do is in harmony with your core values.