Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Advice From Sensei - PUNCTUALITY

King Louis XVIII is said to have said, “Punctuality is the politeness of kings.” When you think about it, the French monarch was making quite a statement about the importance of being on time.

In Louis’ time, kings, and royalty in general, were afforded many privileges, principal among them being the choice of when—perhaps even if—to show up to an appointment. When Louis XVIII referred to punctuality as the “politeness of kings,” he was really saying that even a royal should show the basic respect of being punctual. So, if being on time is good enough for a king, it’s probably a good idea for the rest of us, too!

If you’ve been in the Dojo for any amount of time, chances are you’ve heard an instructor say that it’s better to be a half hour early than one minute late. Makes a lot of sense, especially when you consider that being late is not the best way to demonstrate your commitment to your Martial Arts training, your instructor, or yourself.

Punctuality is a sign of respect. Being on time demonstrates to the person you’re meeting that you care about them enough to value their time. Being punctual shows that you value the time being given to you enough that you’ll not waste a minute of it by being tardy. After all, time is the one thing we give and are given that can never be returned. Time only flows one direction, and so it’s very important to be mindful and respectful of another person’s time!

Have you ever thought about what the world would be if NOBODY cared about being on time? You’d never be able to get anything done! Class would never start on time; the bus would always be late; flights would be entirely unpredictable. In short, a world run with no sense of punctuality would be a very chaotic place in which to live!

There’s another, very practical reason to be on time: all of us are only guaranteed a certain amount of it. Marcel Proust once said, “It comes so soon, the moment when there is nothing left to wait for.” Given our brief stay on planet Earth, it makes a lot of sense to make the most of time. There is so much to learn and apprehend, we really shouldn’t waste a moment being late to the lesson.

If you want to be a Black Belt Champion, make it a habit to be punctual. And remember: “It’s better to be a half hour early…than one minute late!”