Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Advice From Sensei—Goals

“Goals we set…are goals we get!”

If you don’t know where it is you want to go it will certainly be more difficult to get there. Goal setting is an important part of achieving your dreams. Writing down and reviewing your goals on a daily basis sets the tone for action.

Not only should you put your goals down on paper, but you should also put it where you will see it everyday, like on the bathroom mirror or next to your computer at work.

Some goals might be smaller and easy to achieve such as beating a level in a video game, or perfecting a cake recipe. These goals are can be achieved by working harder in the game or making the cake multiple times. While others, like getting into college, earning your Black Belt, or training for a marathon take years of work to achieve.

When you review your goals begin with the end in mind. Think about how it will feel when you finally beat that video game level, earn your Black Belt, or cross the finish line after running 26.2 miles that make up a marathon. When you can see it in your mind, you’ll believe in it, and then you’ll achieve it.

“Action TNT!”

Action TNT means Action Today, Not Tomorrow. When you set a goal keep this phrase in mind so that you “Take Action Today, Not Tomorrow.”

While some bigger goals may seem daunting, it is important to focus on the small steps that you can take today to achieve them in the future. If you are trying to get into a top college, first you must take small steps, such as completing your homework and studying hard for tests, then you will work up to studying for the SATs and writing admissions essays. For a marathon, maybe you start with just running one mile each day; eventually you can run five, ten, then twenty miles until you reach the goal. Whether it is done in one day, or ten years, it is important to keep working towards the goal you’ve set for yourself.

Always be sure to tell someone about your goal, because this makes you more likely to follow through with it. You can start with telling someone close to you, such as a parent, spouse, or best friend. You could also share it with more people and post your goal onto a Social Media site. By telling the people you care about your goal, you will experience a wave of positive encouragement and energy that will make it so much easier to reach your goal.